Through train activity

Through-Train Activity (PLKLHT and PLKLFC)

The Joint school Young Scientist conference (LHT Primary 6 & LFC Secondary 2 students)



  • To raise student’s interest in science and cultivate students’ curiosity and creativity.
  • To create a platform so that students in PLKLFC and PLKLHT could have more collaboration to exchange scientific literacy.




Budding Scientists Program (Primary 6)

‘Budding Scientist’ is a science gifted program that is taught by science teacher of PLK Laws Foundation College. This program adopts the ‘inquiry-based learning (IBL)’ approach which students would take active roles to construct their own learning through various well-designed learning activities.

In each session, there would be clear goal and learning objectives. Students would be presented with an analytical case which they need to solve by completing various experiments. It is expected that participants after completing this program would be a more self-reliant learner, explorer, scientists instead of being dependent on teachers to guide their learning.


  • Develop intrinsic interests to pursue further study in science in senior forms.
  • Develop correct attitudes and ethical practice for doing science.
  • Acquire fundamental laboratory techniques.
  • Design and perform experiments and investigation individually.
  • Apply knowledge and skills acquired to carry out further investigations of their own interest.


